package Question8_2; /* Represents a call from a user. Calls have a minimum rank and are assigned to the * first employee who can handle that call. */ public class Call { /* Minimal rank of employee who can handle this call. */ private Rank rank; /* Person who is calling. */ private Caller caller; /* Employee who is handling call. */ private Employee handler; public Call(Caller c) { rank = Rank.Responder; caller = c; } /* Set employee who is handling call. */ public void setHandler(Employee e) { handler = e; } /* Play recorded message to the customer. */ public void reply(String message) { System.out.println(message); } public Rank getRank() { return rank; } public void setRank(Rank r) { rank = r; } public Rank incrementRank() { if (rank == Rank.Responder) { rank = Rank.Manager; } else if (rank == Rank.Manager) { rank = Rank.Director; } return rank; } /* Disconnect call. */ public void disconnect() { reply("Thank you for calling"); } }